A2 M3 Lesson 7 Perfect Competition Revenue

  1. Explanation of method of deriving conditions pc by economists
  2. Go through assumptions using PPP          https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/1274d30eb2dd3eda
  3. Activity - tear off hints and individual then team then one by one practice assumptions of pc   https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/1274d31e850030dd
  4. Back to PPP - info about revenue
  5. Why D=AR
  6. Why D curve is perfectly elastic for pc firm
  7. Why AR=MR for pc firm
  8. Look at pc curves

AS M2 Lesson 6 Components of AD

  1. Warmer - different rates of unemployment card thingie
  2. Discuss answers to spending decisions activity from yesterday
  3. Students do activities 1-3 https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126faf1a608829f2

AS M2 Lesson 5 Introduction to AD

  1. Ss copy and answer MCQ q7 from Jan 07 about consumption and AD https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126f5788458a07af
  2. Start to explain answer and then go through different agents' demand on WB (see above)
  3. AD equation drilling exercises
  4. Discussion activity on each agent's spending decisions https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126f5806ad241481

A2 M3 Lesson 6 Market Structure Introduction

  1. Emphasise that short run costs are the same for all types of business whereas revenue differs according to market structure.
  2. Ss read "Introduction to market structure" https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126f57253d6d3870
  3. Further information from PPP about market structures https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126f573d98d55386
  4. Students complete table exercise about market structure https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126f5757e49031ad
  5. From PPP, go through Assumptions of PC

AS M2 Lesson 4 Circular Flow (cont) / Keywords / Intro to AD

  1. Quick game of previous lesson activity
  2. Ss work together to write all flows on WB
  3. Sketch diagram
  4. Talk about savings and investment
  5. Keywords 2 crossword https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d0cebb674bcaf
  6. Intro WB to Economic Cycle Model / AD AS model / Economic policies

A2 M3 Lesson 5 Long Run Average Costs

  1. Re-emphasise importance in long /short distinction in allowing us to theorise about firms in general
  2. Use PPP to talk about change from long to short run and relationship SRAC and LRAC https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d0d2ce574262a
  3. Reminder - economies and diseconomies of scale / minimum efficent scale
  4. Ss try to draw different LRACs https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d6e5d683a1dfb  / show on PPP https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d0d2ce574262 and then discuss
  5. Make notes about ecs of scale from handouts, peek ahead and then check https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d6e77799a81bd
  6. Use table to contrast short and long run cost theory ideas

AS M2 Lesson 3 The Circular Flow of Income

  1. Students do Macro words 1 crossword https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d0cebb674bcaf
  2. Explain about 2 most important models - c flow of i and AD/AS
  3. https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d164b22665ca4
    Activity - 4 groups, 4 name plates, £300 each
      • team throws dice, if can takes £100 from other but must call out name of money
      • change after each cycle
  4. PPP show general way of drawing flows
  5. Table - elicit names of different flows (finish at home if necessary)

A2 M3 Lesson 4 Marginal Cost Curve

  1. Review: dice and 1) short run 2) long run 3) fixed costs 4) variable costs 5) total costs 6) average cost
  2. Use Krugman to formulise explanation of AC curve
  3. Marginality - use PPP to explain https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d0d2ce574262a
  4. Activity - Ss measure each other 1 by 1 and plot out average, marginal tables (remember tells us about addition to total)
  5. Try to elict rules about relationship btw marginal and average
  6. Plot (get graph paper), using flower data, and total fixed costs of 10
      • average cost curve
      • marginal cost curve
  7. If time, curve drawing competition

A2 M3 Lesson 3 Average Cost Curve and Diminishing Returns

  1. Recap yesterday - esp short/long run // TFC, AFC
  2. Variable Costs
  3. Total costs - sketch curves
  4. The average cost curve
      • Big sketch of AFC , AVC
      • AC = AFC + AVC show how can use addition to plot AC curve
      • Explanation - use Krugman info

A2 M3 Lesson 2 Introduction to Costs

  1. Go through answers from hwk (1-input/output/magic box ; 2 - production role of entrepreneur)
  2. Use answers from 3 to go into short run v long run
      • explain concept - alternative way of viewing time / helps to compare seemingly very different production processes
      • example - window cleaner / air plane maker - elicit examples of f of p
      • rank f of p according to ease of adding more
      • line on WB - distinction short/long run, the tipping point. Add f of ps from example businesses
      • Therefore, can see similarities btw any production process FOR ANY BUSINESS SHORT AND LONG RUN CONDITIONS ARE DIFFFERENT ESP COSTS
      • Powell diagram p.13 - emphasises returns to scale = economies of scale
  3. Fixed costs

AS M2 Lesson 2 Macroeconomic Indicators

  1. Explain task - need to make up-to-date cards
  2. Find a leader - explain role of entrepreneur, recap on division of labour, show capital goods, elicit production stages
  3. Students make the new sets of cards
  4. (If time) cards activities i.e. top trumps or groups of countries

A2 M3 Lesson 1 Ownership and Objectives

  1. Welcome to hell!
  2. Look through specification. http://store.aqa.org.uk/qual/gce/pdf/AQA-2140-W-SP.PDF
  3. Look through past paper. https://mail.google.com/mail/?hl=en&shva=1#inbox/12b3467652903b6d
  4. Skills examined on PPP https://mail.google.com/mail/?hl=en&shva=1#inbox/12b346a3480c383f
  5. PPP showing 9 areas of M3 https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d0d2ce574262a
  6. Overview of Wk 1 work https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d0d6fbcd578f3
  7. Types of firms: sole trader / partnership / private limited company / public limited company (5 min discuss)
  8. Firms' objectives: brief read of document / Ss do questions / on wb "Possible Conflicts of Objectives e.g. reduce pollution (social/community objective) v. profit maximisation" / Ss test each other on conflict areas and then I test them https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/126d0d80566d9d43
  9. Divorce of ownership from control - copy from Tuto2u Textbook / read and discuss principal-agent problem
  10. For tomorrow - make notes on Production Questions You Should Know About

AS M2 Lesson 1

  1. Quick comparison of micro/macro on WB
    • microeconomics - individual markets / Is the market working efficiently? 2 tests of efficiency
    • macroecnomics - all firms/households/workers, etc / Are the living standards of the population improving? 4 key tests
  2. PPP Overview of Module 2 - go through key aggregates and what they measure
  3. UK economy info from 2006 / 2009 - from word document
  4. Give out country cards, remark on some interesting facts
  5. Allocate cards, show CIA factbook, ask students to find info for tomorrow